Monday, November 20, 2006

Little Brook Visit

Emily and I visit Great Grandpa Knauer
Emily is now 3 months old and really starting to show her little personality. She can hold her head up really well, sit up assisted, and hold up all her weight while standing. She laughs quite loudly now and does a lot of "talking". She loves stroller rides around the house, and napping with mommy. We will be heading back to Kansas after Thanksgiving, but we will return to NJ for Christmas. She will be getting baptised on December 24th at 7:30pm at Long Valley Presbyterian Church (where Rob and I got Married) and all are welcome to attend

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Emily in her flower costume, ready to go help mommy get some candy
Here is Emily with Great Grandma Karl and me pumpkin picking at Ort Farms